Santander for Intermediaries

Santander for Intermediaries vision is to be your intermediary partner of choice, through offering simple, clear products that provide you and your customers ongoing value.

Santander are dedicated to the intermediary market and making it easy for you to do business with them through their:
  • Wide range of simple yet innovative products that offer great value to benefit you and your clients
  • Dedicated intermediary website giving you access to all the tools and services you need
  • People who will work with you to help support you in driving your business forward.
Santander are committed to help your business succeed.

Proc Fees

Product Gross Net
Standard Residential 0.34% 0.32%
BTL 0.45% 0.40%
Retention Products 0.20% 0.18%
Porting 0.34% 0.32%


Contact us

How to Register

Registering for the first time:

Please click here to register using their online registration form.

Add Paradigm as payment route:

Email Santander requesting to add Paradigm.